Is cannabis oil legal in the UK?

Is Hemp Oil Legal in the UK?


The rise in the popularity of cannabis oil has led to many questions about its usage, benefits, and legality. One of the common queries is about the legal status of cannabis oil in the UK.

This article aims to provide clarity on the subject, outlining the conditions under which it can be sold and what consumers should be aware of before making a purchase.

Is Cannabis Oil Legal in the UK?

Yes, cannabis oil is legal in the UK. However, there are specific conditions that sellers and consumers must be aware of. The Food Standards Agency classifies cannabis as a "novel food", which means that its extracts need authorisation before they can be legally sold in Great Britain.

Currently, there are no authorised cannabis extracts or isolates available in the market. For a business to legally sell these products, they must apply for authorisation, ensuring that they strictly adhere to the prescribed production methods and provide substantial safety evidence.

Key Points to Consider:

Novel Food Status Cannabis extracts were designated as a novel food in January 2019. As a result, products containing cannabis require authorisation for legal sale.
THC Content The THC content in cannabis products must be below a specific threshold, as THC is a controlled substance in the UK.
Application for Authorisation Businesses must apply for authorisation for their cannabis extracts, isolates, and related products. Each application is evaluated individually, with a strong emphasis on safety evidence.
Safety Guidelines Businesses are recommended to undergo toxicological testing. Safety must be demonstrated through scientific studies, not just literature.
Consumer Safety The Food Standards Agency advises certain groups, such as pregnant or breastfeeding women and those on medication, to avoid consuming cannabis.
Enforcement Local authorities are tasked with ensuring that unauthorized products are not sold in the market.

For those interested in exploring the range of legal cannabis products, you can Buy cannabis oil here.


Food Standards Agency - Cannabidiol (CBD) guidance for England and Wales (Last updated: 8 September 2023

Consumer cannabidiol (CBD) products report (accessible version) - GOV.UK

Government announces that medicinal cannabis is legal - GOV.UK