Industry News

This page contains topics based on industry news therefore it is not related to our products

Cannabis Plant in Cannabis Cafe

Cannabis cafés in California Amsterdam-style es...


California embraces Amsterdam-style cannabis cafés California, the pioneer state in the USA for medical cannabis use, is once again leading the way in cannabis reforms. Having first allowed the use...

Cannabis cafés in California Amsterdam-style es...


California embraces Amsterdam-style cannabis cafés California, the pioneer state in the USA for medical cannabis use, is once again leading the way in cannabis reforms. Having first allowed the use...

FDA Thailand

Thailand’s progressive cannabis regulation: A n...


Thailand's progressive stance on cannabis Thailand has long recognized the medicinal potential of cannabis, with its rich history in traditional Thai medicine. However, the Narcotics Act of 1979 classified cannabis...

Thailand’s progressive cannabis regulation: A n...


Thailand's progressive stance on cannabis Thailand has long recognized the medicinal potential of cannabis, with its rich history in traditional Thai medicine. However, the Narcotics Act of 1979 classified cannabis...

Canadian nurse talking to a patient

Canadian nurses and the gapin medical cannabis ...


The need for medical cannabis training among canadian nurses Medical cannabis has been a topic of discussion and debate in many countries, including Canada. With the increasing acceptance and use...

Canadian nurses and the gapin medical cannabis ...


The need for medical cannabis training among canadian nurses Medical cannabis has been a topic of discussion and debate in many countries, including Canada. With the increasing acceptance and use...

a cannister of medical cannabis

Medical cannabis reform: A compassionate approa...


The imperative of compassion in medical cannabis reform Medical cannabis has been a topic of discussion and debate for years. As countries and states move towards legalising its use, the...

Medical cannabis reform: A compassionate approa...


The imperative of compassion in medical cannabis reform Medical cannabis has been a topic of discussion and debate for years. As countries and states move towards legalising its use, the...

A woman smoking cannabis on Amsterdam Netherlands

Netherlands to launch limited legal cannabis sa...


The dawn of a new cannabis Erain the Netherlands A groundbreaking public policy experiment is on the horizon in the Netherlands. Come December 15th, two municipalities, Tilburg and Breda, are...

Netherlands to launch limited legal cannabis sa...


The dawn of a new cannabis Erain the Netherlands A groundbreaking public policy experiment is on the horizon in the Netherlands. Come December 15th, two municipalities, Tilburg and Breda, are...

Cannabis Vape Cartridge and Cannabis leaf

Cannabis vaporisation shows promise in alleviat...


The therapeutic potential of vaporised cannabis Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating condition that affects countless individuals worldwide. Traditional treatments often fall short in providing relief, leading researchers to...

Cannabis vaporisation shows promise in alleviat...


The therapeutic potential of vaporised cannabis Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating condition that affects countless individuals worldwide. Traditional treatments often fall short in providing relief, leading researchers to...

cannabis products in front of a doctor

Cannabis extracts show potential in improving c...


The impact of chronic health conditions Living with one or more chronic health conditions can significantly diminish an individual's quality of life. While the health condition itself can be debilitating,...

Cannabis extracts show potential in improving c...


The impact of chronic health conditions Living with one or more chronic health conditions can significantly diminish an individual's quality of life. While the health condition itself can be debilitating,...

european parliament member show cannabis plant

European MEP Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan showcases per...


MEP Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan's cannabis revelation A recent social media post has caught the attention of many as a member of the European Parliament (MEP) showcased pictures of cannabis he...

European MEP Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan showcases per...


MEP Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan's cannabis revelation A recent social media post has caught the attention of many as a member of the European Parliament (MEP) showcased pictures of cannabis he...

Cannabis for Pain management

Clinical trials highlight cannabis’s potential ...


The prevalence of pain in clinical trials Pain is a predominant symptom that has been the focal point of clinical trials concerning cannabinoids. Cannabis-based medicines have consistently showcased their 'promising...

Clinical trials highlight cannabis’s potential ...


The prevalence of pain in clinical trials Pain is a predominant symptom that has been the focal point of clinical trials concerning cannabinoids. Cannabis-based medicines have consistently showcased their 'promising...

Rolling tobacco with cannabis

The health risks and benefits of mixing cannabi...


For centuries, the relationship between cannabis and tobacco has been complex, often blurring the lines between cultural practices, health implications, and scientific findings. This article delves into the multifaceted interaction...

The health risks and benefits of mixing cannabi...


For centuries, the relationship between cannabis and tobacco has been complex, often blurring the lines between cultural practices, health implications, and scientific findings. This article delves into the multifaceted interaction...

broken cigarette stick beside CBD oil

Unlocking the potential of CBD: Can it help you...


As the world grapples with the health implications of smoking, a new player has entered the scene—Cannabidiol (CBD). This non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant is making waves for...

Unlocking the potential of CBD: Can it help you...


As the world grapples with the health implications of smoking, a new player has entered the scene—Cannabidiol (CBD). This non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant is making waves for...

Ban CBD sign on a dairy farm

Switzerland bans CBD in animal feed: The full s...


Switzerland has recently made headlines by banning the use of Cannabidiol (CBD) in animal feed. This decision has sparked a lot of debate and raised questions about the safety and...

Switzerland bans CBD in animal feed: The full s...


Switzerland has recently made headlines by banning the use of Cannabidiol (CBD) in animal feed. This decision has sparked a lot of debate and raised questions about the safety and...

Scientist holding a CBD oil bottle

CBD in the EU: Understanding its status as a no...


CBD and the EU Novel Food catalogue: A deep dive Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential therapeutic benefits. However, its...

CBD in the EU: Understanding its status as a no...


CBD and the EU Novel Food catalogue: A deep dive Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential therapeutic benefits. However, its...

German Flag, Cannabis Leaf, Gavel

The booming CBD market in Germanytrends, legali...


The CBD landscape in Germany If you're involved in the CBD industry and haven't tapped into the German market, you might be missing out on a significant opportunity. Germany, being...

The booming CBD market in Germanytrends, legali...


The CBD landscape in Germany If you're involved in the CBD industry and haven't tapped into the German market, you might be missing out on a significant opportunity. Germany, being...

The flag of Spain in front of a hemp field

The booming CBD market in spain: An in-depth an...


The CBD landscape in Spain The CBD market in the European Union, including Spain, has witnessed significant growth over the past decade. Despite this boom, the market remains somewhat chaotic,...

The booming CBD market in spain: An in-depth an...


The CBD landscape in Spain The CBD market in the European Union, including Spain, has witnessed significant growth over the past decade. Despite this boom, the market remains somewhat chaotic,...

Cannabis plant in front of the map of Italy

The rising popularity of CBD in Italy: A compre...


The CBD landscape in Italy Italy, known for its rich history, art, and cuisine, is now becoming a significant player in the CBD market. With changing regulations and a growing...

The rising popularity of CBD in Italy: A compre...


The CBD landscape in Italy Italy, known for its rich history, art, and cuisine, is now becoming a significant player in the CBD market. With changing regulations and a growing...

Flag of France in the middle

The rise of CBD usage in France: Unveiling the ...


The growing popularity of CBD in france Over the past few years, the global acceptance and use of Cannabidiol (CBD) have seen a significant rise. France, known for its strict...

The rise of CBD usage in France: Unveiling the ...


The growing popularity of CBD in france Over the past few years, the global acceptance and use of Cannabidiol (CBD) have seen a significant rise. France, known for its strict...

Surge in CBD Usage in the UK

Exploring the surge in CBD usage in the UK: 6 m...


The rise of CBD in the UK: A market ready for takeoff The United Kingdom is witnessing a significant surge in the usage of CBD products. According to a comprehensive...

Exploring the surge in CBD usage in the UK: 6 m...


The rise of CBD in the UK: A market ready for takeoff The United Kingdom is witnessing a significant surge in the usage of CBD products. According to a comprehensive...

A Green Pesticide Spray

Black market cannabis in Canada A pesticide pro...


Introduction: The pesticide problem in black market cannabis Canada's journey towards cannabis legalization has been hailed as a significant step forward, but the black market continues to pose challenges. A...

Black market cannabis in Canada A pesticide pro...


Introduction: The pesticide problem in black market cannabis Canada's journey towards cannabis legalization has been hailed as a significant step forward, but the black market continues to pose challenges. A...

U.S. Health authorities eye federal cannabis legalization

U.S. Health authorities eye federal cannabis le...


A pivotal moment in U.S. cannabis policy The United States is at a crossroads when it comes to cannabis legalization. While many states have already legalized the substance for medical...

U.S. Health authorities eye federal cannabis le...


A pivotal moment in U.S. cannabis policy The United States is at a crossroads when it comes to cannabis legalization. While many states have already legalized the substance for medical...