What Is The Shelf Life Of CBD?


The Lifespan of Our CBD Oils

Like all natural products, our CBD oils are subject to degradation and expiration over time.

Our CBD oils have a shelf life that spans between 24 and 36 months, which is about one year longer than the industry standard.

However, this duration can be influenced by several factors, including the specific type of CBD, the ingredients we use, and how you store our products.

Factors Influencing the Lifespan of CBD Oils

Factors Description
Quality and Ingredients

The longevity of our CBD oils is significantly influenced by their quality.

Our high-quality products tend to last longer due to the premium hemp we use, the optimal growing conditions we maintain, and the careful selection of other ingredients involved in the production process.

Each ingredient in our CBD oil has its own expiration date. However, we ensure that our CBD oil remains pure, thereby extending its shelf life.

Extraction Process

The extraction method we use plays a crucial role in determining the concentration of CBD and the stability of its compounds.

At Formula Swiss, we use the CO2-extraction method, which is considered the gold standard in the industry. This method maximizes the level of CBD obtained from the plant during extraction and keeps the compounds stable.

Packaging and Storage

Our CBD oils are packaged in dark-colored, airtight glass containers to ensure longevity. This packaging protects the oil from exposure to air and sunlight.

Don't trust a CBD bottle that comes in a clear container. Our amber bottles help to filter UV light from degrading the active compound.

Storage Tips For CBD Oils

To preserve the freshness of our CBD oils, we recommend the following:

  1. Original Packaging: Always keep the CBD oil in its original packaging. This is designed to prevent unnecessary exposure to air, which can degrade the oil over time. The packaging is also typically dark-colored to protect the oil from light, which can also degrade the oil.
  2. Room Temperature: Store the oil at room temperature, typically around 16 to 21°C. Extreme temperatures can affect the chemical stability of CBD oil, reducing its effectiveness and shelf life.
  3. Dark Place: Keep the oil in a dark place away from light, such as a pantry, cupboard, or closet. Light, especially sunlight, can degrade CBD oil and reduce its potency.
  4. Away from Heat or Cold Sources: Keep the oil away from potential sources of excess heat or cold, like windows, radiators, air conditioners, and stoves. These can cause fluctuations in temperature that can degrade the oil.
  5. Clean Spoon: Use a clean spoon every time you take CBD oil to avoid introducing bacteria and other contaminants back into the bottle. This is especially important if multiple people are using the same bottle of CBD oil.
  6. Properly Closed: Always ensure to close the bottle properly after use to keep air out. Oxygen can react with the compounds in CBD oil, causing it to degrade.
  7. Avoid Moisture: Keep the CBD oil away from areas with high humidity or moisture, such as the bathroom. Moisture can lead to the growth of mold or bacteria.
  8. Avoid Shaking: Avoid shaking the bottle unless instructed by the manufacturer. Shaking can introduce air into the oil and speed up the degradation process.

Identifying Expired CBD Oils

Here are some signs that our CBD oil may have expired:

  • Unusual smell: Our fresh CBD oil should have an earthy smell. If it smells off, it may have expired.
  • Thickness and murkiness: If our oil becomes thick and murky, it may be a sign of degradation.

What Happens if You Use Expired CBD Oils?

The use of expired CBD oil is a common concern among users. It's important to understand that while expired CBD oil isn't harmful, it may not provide the same level of benefits as fresh oil.

The oil's potency can decrease, and changes in smell or aroma can affect the overall experience. To ensure you're getting the most from your CBD oil, it's best to use it within its shelf life and store it properly to preserve its quality and effectiveness.

Safety and Quality

Firstly, using expired CBD oil is generally safe. Unlike food products, CBD oil doesn't spoil in a way that makes it unsafe for consumption. However, the quality and effectiveness of the oil can decrease over time. The cannabinoids, including CBD, begin to degrade and break down, especially when exposed to air and light.

Reduced Potency

The most significant impact of using expired CBD oil is the potential reduction in potency. Over time, the cannabinoids in the oil, including CBD, begin to degrade. This degradation can reduce the strength of the oil, meaning that you may not receive the full therapeutic effects of the product. For instance, if you're using CBD oil for pain relief, an expired oil might not alleviate pain as effectively as a fresh one.

Changes in Aroma and Smell

Another potential issue with using expired CBD oil is changes in aroma and smell. As the oil ages, it may develop a rancid smell or an unpleasant aroma. While this doesn't necessarily mean the oil is harmful, it can make the oil less enjoyable to use.

Loss of Terpenes

Terpenes, the compounds in cannabis that give it its distinctive aroma and flavor, can also degrade over time. This means that expired CBD oil might not have the same aroma or flavor profile as fresh oil, potentially impacting the overall experience of using the product.

        FAQs: Shelf Life Of CBD

        Does CBD oil expire?

        Yes, our Formula Swiss CBD oil does have an expiration date printed on all bottles of 24 months.

        What influences the shelf life of CBD oil?

        The shelf life of our CBD oil can be affected by several factors including the quality of the ingredients, the extraction process, and how the oil is stored. Exposure to extreme temperatures, sunlight, and oxygen can also shorten its shelf life.

        How can I identify if my CBD oil has expired?

        If the CBD oil has changes in color, consistency, and aroma, it may indicate that the oil has expired.

        How should I store CBD oil?

        Our CBD oil should be stored in its original packaging, in a dark place at room temperature. Always use a clean dropper or spoon to avoid introducing bacteria and other contaminants into the bottle.

        Is expired CBD oil harmful?

        No, expired CBD oil is not harmful, but it may have lost some of its potency and effectiveness.

        Can I use CBD oil after it has expired?

        Yes, you can still use our CBD oil after it has expired, but it may not be as potent or effective as fresh CBD oil.

        How long will my CBD oil remain potent and effective?

        If stored correctly, our CBD oil can remain potent and effective for up to 3 years.

        Can I use expired CBD oil for pets?

        Yes, you can use expired CBD oil for pets, but it may not be as effective as fresh CBD oil.

        How can I make my CBD oil last longer?

        To make our CBD oil last longer, store it in its original packaging, in a dark place at room temperature, and always use a clean dropper or spoon to avoid introducing bacteria and other contaminants into the bottle.

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